Masks are optional for all visitors and staff. Please see our current COVID-19 policies here.
We require appointments for all examinations and optical-related visits.
If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, call us at (636)272-1444

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It’s Myopia Monday – Why Should You Care About Myopia?

Each Monday, we will explore the topic of myopia – what it is, why you should care about it and the treatment options we offer for children who are myopic!

Childhood myopia rates are increasing. Many researchers believe reduced outdoor time and increased screen time on devices are part of the problem. Multiple studies show myopia becoming much more common in children, showing up at earlier ages and progressing more rapidly, and childhood myopia rates are increasing, with 1 in 3 children now affected. Early intervention is key to slow or even stop the progression of myopia in your child.

Myopia chart
Myopia often leads to struggles in school and activities for your child due to poor vision, as well as increasing your child’s risks for serious eye diseases, like retinal disease and glaucoma. Early intervention with myopia treatment can slow, or even stop, the progression of your child’s myopia.

Below is an info-graphic that shows a patient’s risk for different eye diseases as their myopia prescription worsens.

Call us today to schedule an appointment!