Masks are optional for all visitors and staff. Please see our current COVID-19 policies here.
We require appointments for all examinations and optical-related visits.
If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, call us at (636)272-1444

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Things to Consider When Choosing a Pediatric Optometrist

Pediatric optometrists are specialized healthcare professionals who care for the visual and ocular needs of infants, children, and teens.

Here are some factors you must consider when choosing an optometrist for your children.


Location is essential when choosing the best optometrist for kids near you. If your child has a busy schedule, it may be more difficult for them to travel long distances to get to their appointments. Make sure the optometrist offers your necessary services before making an appointment with them.


The experience of an optometrist for children is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing the best eye doctor for kids. Treehouse Eyes provides expert pediatric myopia care and ensures this with accessibility to Treehouse AMP, a video-based parent education platform. Treehouse Eyes doctors are always willing to answer any questions regarding myopia and while also cultivating a kid-friendly office experience. 


The best way to find a pediatric optometrist you can rely on and who will get along well with your child is through referrals and recommendations. If you know someone who had a positive experience with an eye doctor, find out who they used and why they thought so highly of them.

Let Treehouse Eyes Help Your Child Manage Myopia

Treehouse Eyes offer customized contact lenses and special prescription eye drops, and our doctors develop personalized treatment plans for each child. We will be able to determine which treatment plan works the best for your child at the first consultation with your Treehouse Eyes doctor. Schedule a consultation now to find out more.