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The Gentle Vision Shaping System

What is GVSS?

The Gentle Vision Shaping System is the process of reshaping the front surface of the eye (the cornea) using a rigid gas permeable specialty contact lens.  The goal of GVSS is to gradually flatten the front surface of the eye in order to eliminate low to moderate amounts of myopia (near-sightedness) and astigmatism. For more information about GVSS and how it corrects your vision please watch the video below.

http://View Video
How does GVSS work?

The specialty contact lenses, which can be thought of as retainers, are applied at bedtime and gently mold the cornea while you sleep.  Upon waking in the morning, the lenses are removed and one can enjoy crisp comfortable vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses!

GVSS is safe and completely reversible, but because the effects are not permanent, the retainer contact lenses must be worn each night in order to ensure the best vision during the day.

Who is a candidate for GVSS?

GVSS only works for patients with myopia (near-sightedness) and/or low amounts of astigmatism.  A full examination and separate fitting evaluation will be required in order to determine if one is a good candidate for GVSS.

Because GVSS is completely reversible, one of its many advantages is that is can be performed on patients of all ages—even kids!

What are the advantages of GVSS?

GVSS is a great option for patients who desire freedom from glasses and contact lenses during the day.  Many patients have trouble wearing traditional soft contact lenses during the day due to comfort issues.  This can include patients who work in dusty or dirty environments, or those who suffer from dry eyes or ocular allergies.  GVSS is a nice alternative for these patients.

GVSS is also a good option for young people and children.  LASIK surgery is something that many young patients are interested in, but are unable to pursue because their glasses prescription changes year-to-year.  GVSS costs about half of what LASIK surgery costs and can be done on patients of all ages, as long as they are good candidates.

The doctors at Iverson Tomasino and Goerss Eyecare are especially excited about the option of GVSS for young children. 

Studies have shown that GVSS can not only correct the child’s current amount of myopia, but over time, GVSS can actually slow down the progression of myopia!
For more information regarding myopia prevention with GVSS visit:


What results can be expected with GVSS?

The goal of GVSS is to correct your vision to 20/20 without glasses or contact lenses during the day.  In FDA trials, more than 65% of patients were able to achieve 20/20 after wearing the retainer contact lenses overnight.  Over 90% were able to achieve 20/40 or better (the legal vision requirement for driving without glasses in most states).  Success rates tend to be higher for patients with milder prescriptions.  Our doctors will be able evaluate your potential for success during your initial examination and fitting evaluation.

How long does GVSS take?

Though you may see some improvement in your vision after 1-2 nights of wearing the retainer contact lenses, it can take several weeks for the full effect to be apparent.  During this time, your vision will not be as clear as it was with glasses or contacts, and you will likely notice some glare and halos around lights.  It’s possible, during these first several weeks, that you may need a temporary pair of eyeglasses or disposable soft contact lenses for certain tasks, like driving at night, until your vision is fully corrected by the GVSS lenses.

If deciding to pursue GVSS, one must allow for 3-5 visits over a one month period in order to ensure successful results.  After the initial fitting has been completed, your doctor may wish to see you every few months in order to monitor your ocular health and vision.  All follow-ups related to the fitting of GVSS lenses and routine monitoring will be covered under the initial GVSS fee.

Is GVSS comfortable?

Some people have comfort issues when attempting to wear gas permeable contact lenses during the day.  Because the lenses are rigid, they are not as comfortable as soft lenses, at first.  However, because GVSS lenses are only worn during sleep, comfort and lens awareness are generally not a problem.

How much does GVSS cost?

GVSS is a significantly longer process than a regular contact lens fitting. It requires a series of office visits and potentially multiple pairs of lenses.  Also, the GVSS lenses are more costly than most regular contact lenses.  Therefore, fees for GVSS are higher than those for regular contact lens fittings.  Fees are determined by the complexity of each case.  Call us today with any questions and to schedule your initial examination!

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