It’s Myopia Monday – What Treatment Options Are Available?
It’s Myopia Monday!
Each Monday, we will explore the topic of myopia – what it is, why you should care about it and the treatment options we offer for children who are myopic!
What treatment options are there for my child who has Myopia?
- Overnight Contact Lens Treatment: These specially designed contact lenses are designed to be worn at night only, put in right before bed and taken out in the morning. These custom contact lenses gently and comfortably reshape the front surface of the eye during the night, with an effect that lasts all day. These lenses are customized for each child to fit their eye and are designed to help reduce the progression of myopia.
- Daytime Soft Contact Lenses: These customized contact lenses are designed to be placed on the eye in the morning and removed each night. They have a special optical design to reduce the progression of myopia while providing clear vision during the day. This treatment allows children to be free from glasses all day while providing excellent comfort and vision for all their activities.
- Prescription Eye Drops: Another treatment alternative is a prescription eye drop, formulated to a specific concentration known to reduce the progression of myopia. These drops are applied at night before bed, according to the schedule your doctor recommends. The child wears glasses or contact lenses during the day. This treatment is excellent for families concerned if their child is ready for a contact lens treatment, and often used for younger children or those showing rapid progression.
Call us today at (636)272-1444 to schedule an appointment. Be sure to check out our previous Myopia Monday posts for additional information as well!