Masks are optional for all visitors and staff. Please see our current COVID-19 policies here.
We require appointments for all examinations and optical-related visits.
If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, call us at (636)272-1444

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Myopia Management

  • Photo of the Treehouse lobby

    Back to School

    It’s likely that you know someone with myopia – a family member, friend, or work colleague. But how much do you really know about this progressive eye disease? Some parents expect that simply receiving a pair of glasses for their child is the only way of dealing with the effects of myopia. In truth, there’s […]

    Continue Reading September 21, 2022

  • Practice wall with the text "we think big for little eyes"

    Recognizing The Signs & Symptoms Of Myopia In Children

    Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is an eye disease in which the eye elongates, causing light to be focused in front of the retina instead of on the retina’s surface. Essentially, your child’s eye is growing too long. Because the eye elongates and grows with the rest of the body, naturally, it stops elongating […]

    Continue Reading August 1, 2022

  • What is the main cause of myopia?

    The truth is scientists and doctors are still learning about myopia and the main causes of the disease. What’s known is several factors lead a child to develop myopia, including genetic, environmental, and even socioeconomic status. Genetics Genetics do play a role in whether or not a child will develop myopia. If a child has […]

    Continue Reading July 22, 2022

  • Protect Your Child’s Eyesight By Encouraging Them To Play Outside

    Kids are spending increasing amounts of time on screens and less time outside playing. This is especially true with the pandemic upheaving our lives and forcing us to stay home for virtual learning or work from home. The consequences of screen time are not just limited to heightened obesity rates. Studies have shown that having […]

    Continue Reading June 10, 2022

  • close-up of eye with the text "May 23-28 2022 Myopia Awareness Week"

    Myopia Awareness Week Starts Now!

    This week is #MyopiaAwarenessWeek! 🤓 The awareness event was created by The Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI) to bring attention to the increasing number of myopia cases in children. Myopia Awareness week is intended to draw attention to the importance of building awareness and education around myopia as a disease and how we are able […]

    Continue Reading May 23, 2022

  • 3 Facts about Myopia and What You Can Do For Your Child

    Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is an eye disease in which the eye elongates more than it should, causing light to be focused in front of the retina instead of on the retina’s surface. Essentially, your child’s eye is growing too long. Because the eye elongates and grows with the rest of the body, […]

    Continue Reading May 6, 2022

  • 3 Facts About Myopia You Should Know

    Given the rapid increase in childhood myopia being seen in the U.S., the American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their guidance on managing myopia in children. Both organizations now recommend children play outdoors more to delay the onset of myopia and support proactive treatment of myopic children to reduce the […]

    Continue Reading April 5, 2022

  • Outdoor Play, Even in Winter, Can Help Your Child’s Vision!

    Just because the weather is cold, it doesn’t mean that your kids should be kept indoors all Winter long. In fact, there are many reasons to have them spend time outdoors, not least of which is to protect your child’s vision. Studies show that children who spend time playing outdoors in the sunshine experience less […]

    Continue Reading February 16, 2022